Monday, November 19, 2007

#12 (Week 5) Rollyo

Having so many features the RollBar lets you search whatever site you're on, or use any one of yah searchrolls from anywhere. we can also add sites to existing Searchrolls, and create new ones on the fly...but to be able to do this or say able to have yah own searchbar was,mmmm.....I would say, I found it a bit difficult...I spent an hour and was on the final steps when it came up with the ERROR message saying that "opening tag doesnot match yah closing tag" yeah yeah!! so I deleted the whole stuff and went its all done ...and yeah my friend was there again to rescue me from this...finally S U C C E S S Fullll:))

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done on getting your Rollyo up and running - this was an optional exercise and I know many people are having trouble with it :)