Monday, November 26, 2007

#18 (Week 8). Take a look at some online productivity (word processing, spreadsheet) tools.

Zoho Writer the word processor designed outstands the word and microsoft word. It is for the upcoming generation.It is built using another NEW Techology known as Ajax. It has so many formatting options, and also u can use the same keyboard shortcuts as with any other word processing application for accessing these functions. A time saver, it has a very friendly tool bar and the functions are just a click away...:(There's so much to it, that if I continue writing it will take a whole day why not just get in there and see for your self...take mah word...u'll benefit from all its features ooops now I am angry just like this face....I tried so many times to publish my zoho article via publish options provided....but yeah it DID NOT work 4 me @ all ...ggggrrrrr how annoying!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you liked zoho